General Information about Double Degree and Joint Educational Programs Isu - General Information about Double Degree and Joint Educational Programs

General Information about Double Degree and Joint Educational Programs

Irkutsk State University is aimed at developing long-term cooperation with foreign partners that in many cases results in joint educational or double degree programs.

Thus, for the past 20 years students studying at the International Institute of Economics and Linguistics (IIEL) have opportunity to be awarded a bachelor degree in the field of commerce of the Liaoning University.

For more than 20 years the Siberian-American Faculty of Management of the Baikal International Business School, a partner of University College of Maryland University (USA), offers the special program accredited by the Commission of Higher Education in the United States of America and attested by the Ministry of General and Professional Education in the Russian Federation. The participants of this program, both Russian and American students, get two degrees.

In 2009 the Russian-American master’s program based on a double-degree model was instituted with the University of Maryland.

In 2012 ISU and the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (Germany) signed an agreement for the establishment of a doble degree program in the field of Ecology and Environmental Management. Master degree students from ISU spend 3 semesters in Irkutsk and one semester in Germany at CAU.

In 2014, 3 agreements on academic exchange aimed at obtaining master and bachelor degrees of the University of Savoie were signed:

1) Bachelor degree in Sustainable Aquaculture and Quality Management (Licence Professionnelle « Aquaculture durable et gestion de la qualité») between ISU Faculty of Biology

and Soil Studies and The Interdisciplinary Scientific Centre for Mountain Studies (Centre Interdisciplinaire Scientifique de la Montagne ) of the University of Savoie and Master degree in

Ecology of Mountain – ECOMONT.

2) Program in Applied Foreign Language between the Faculty of Literature, Language and human Sciences of the University of Savoie and ISU International Institute of Economics

and Linguistics.

3) Programs in Tourism and Foreign Languages/ Tourism, Hotel Business and Entertainment between the Institute of Business Administration of the University of Savoie and ISU Faculty of Service and Advertising.

In 2014 ISU started a joint educational program in collaboration with the University of Hokkaido and four Russian Universities of Eastern Siberia and Far East.