Bachelor’s Degree Programs
Baikal International Business School
38.03.02 «Management»
- Project Management, Controlling and Consulting
Institute of Mathematics and Information Technologies
01.03.02 Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
- Artificial Intelligence Systems
- Mathematical Modelling and Programming of Management Systems
- System and Business Analytics
02.03.02 Fundamental Informatics and Information Technology
- Fundamental Informatics and Information Technology
02.03.03 Mathematical Software and Administration of Information Systems
- Mathematical Software and Administration of Information Systems
09.03.03 Applied Informatics
- Information System Design & Development
44.03.05 Pedagogical Education (with two profiles)
- Mathematics – Computer Science
38.03.04 State and Municipal Government
39.03.01 Sociology
- Sociological Research in Organizational and Managerial Activities
39.03.03 Organization of Work with Youth
- Youth Policy and Technologies for Working with Youth
51.03.03 Social and Cultural Activities
- Organization of Cultural Institutions Activity
Institute of Philology, Foreign Languages and Media Communication
42.03.02 Journalism
- Journalism and New Media
- International Journalism (taught in English)
45.03.01 Philology
- Russian Philology: Russian Language and Literature
- Applied Philology: Support of Effective Written and Verbal Communication
- Russian Philology: Buryat Language and Literature, Russian Language and Literature
45.03.02 Linguistics
- Translation and Translation Studies
- first foreign language – Spanish, second foreign language – English;
- first foreign language – English, second foreign language – German;
- first foreign language – French, second foreign language – English;
- first foreign language – Chinese, second foreign language – English;
- first foreign language – Korean, second foreign language – English;
- first foreign language – Japanese, second foreign language – English;
- Linguistic Support for Regional Studies: Russia and countries of the Asia-Pacific Region (first foreign language - English; second foreign language - Spanish)
- Linguistic Support for Regional Studies: China and countries of the Asia-Pacific (first foreign language – Chinese; second foreign language – English)
- Interlingual and Intercultural Communication in Tourism and Hospitality Industry (first foreign language – English; second foreign language – Chinese)
- Linguistic Support for Business (foreign students only) (First foreign language – русский, second foreign language – English)
- Theory and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages and Cultures (foreign students only) (First foreign language – Russian, second foreign language – French)
44.03.05 Pedagogical Education (with two profiles):
- Theory and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages and Cultures (first foreign language – English; second foreign language – German)
- Russian as a native/foreign language and literature
International Institute of Economics and Linguistics
38.03.01 Economics
38.03.06 Commerce
45.03.02 Linguistics
- Interlingual and Intercultural Communication in Commercial and Economic Sphere (Chinese Language)
- Interlingual and Intercultural Communication (foreign students only) (Russian as a foreign language)
44.03.02 Psychology and Teacher’s Training
- Practical Psychology
- Psychology and Social Pedagogy
44.03.03 Special (Defectology) Education
- Logopedic and Psychological Support for Children with Disabilities
- Oligophrenopedagogy
44.03.04 Vocational education:
- Automatics and Computer Engineering
- Automobile Transport
44.03.05 Pedagogical Education (with two profiles):
- Mathematics – Additional Education
- Informatics – Physics
- Industrial Arts Training – Ecology
- Preschool Education – Additional Education
- Elementary Education – Additional Education
- Physical Education – Life Safety
- Biology – Chemistry
- Geography – Life Safety
- History – Social Studies
- Russian Language – Literature
- Music – Additional Education
- Art – Additional Education
- Foreign Language (English) – Foreign Language (Chinese)
40.03.01 Jurisprudence
Faculty of Biology and Soil Studies
05.03.06 Ecology and Environmental Management
- Environmental Expertise
06.03.01 Biology
06.03.02 Soil Science
- Land Resources Management
06.05.01 Bio-engineering and Bio-informatics
- Bio-engineering and Bio-informatics (Specialist’s Degree)
05.03.02 Geography
- Geography, Geoinformation Systems and Technologies
05.03.04 Hydrometeorology
- Hydrology: Water Resources Management
- Meteorology: Climate Risk Management
05.03.06 Ecology and Environmental Management
- Environmental Safety and Management
44.03.05 Pedagogical Education (with two profiles):
- Geography – Foreign Language (English)
05.03.01 Geology
- Geology
- Geology, Oil and Gas Field Development
21.05.02 Applied Geology
- Geology of Oil and Gas Deposits (Specialist’s Degree)
41.03.04 Political Science
41.03.05 International Relationships
- International Relationships and Foreign Policy
44.03.05 Pedagogical Education (with two profiles):
- History – Law
46.03.01 History
47.03.01 Philosophy
37.03.01 Psychology
44.03.02 Psychological and Pedagogical Education
- Individual Psychological Support
Faculty of Business-Communication & Computer Science
09.03.03 Applied Computer Science
- Applied Computer Science (Software Development)
- Applied Computer Science in Design
- Applied Computer Science in Management
38.03.03 Personnel Management
42.03.01 Advertising and Public Relations
43.03.01 Service
- Organizational and Management Activities in the Field of Personal Services and Hotel and Restaurant Service
43.03.02 Tourism
- Management of Tourist Infrastructure Facilities
43.03.03 Hotel Business
- Management of a Hotel Complex and Other Accommodation Facilities
03.03.02 Physics
- Fundamental Physics and Space Physics
- Experimental Physics
03.03.03 Radio Physics
- Radio Engineering and Telecommunications
09.03.02 Information Systems and Technologies
- Electronic Engineering
10.03.01 Information Security
- Technical Information Protection
- Security of Automated Systems in the Industry or Sphere of Professional Activity
11.03.04 Electronics and Nanoelectronics
04.03.01 Chemistry
- Chemistry
- Oil and Gas Chemistry