Master’s Degree Programs
Baikal International Business School
38.04.02 Management
- Financial Advisory and Risk Management (taught in Russian)
- Financial Advisory and Risk Management (taught in English)
Institute of Mathematics and Information Technologies
01.04.02 Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
- Mathematical Modeling
- Semantic Technologies and Multi-Agent Systems
02.04.02 Fundamental Computer Science and Information Technologies
- Research Data Analysis and Machine Learning
09.04.03 Applied Computer Science
- Complex Information Systems
39.04.02 Social Work
- Social Work with the Population
Institute of Philology, Foreign Languages and Media Communication
41.04.01 Foreign Regional Studies
- Complex Studies of the Asia-Pacific Region (first foreign language – English, second foreign language – Chinese)
- Foreign Regional Studies Asian Pacific Regional Studies (first foreign language – English, second foreign language – Russian) *Foreign students only **English-taught programme
42.04.02 Journalism
- Media Management and Organization of Media Production
45.04.01 Philology
- Modern Philology: Analytics of Textual Data
- Business Communication: models, instruments, technologies *Foreign students only **English-taught programme
45.04.02 Linguistics
- Foreign Languages and International Communication *English-taught programme
- Theory and Practice of Written and Basic Oral Translation (first foreign language – English, second foreign language – French)
- Intercultural Communication in Business Communication (first foreign language – Russian, second foreign language – English) *Foreign students only
International Institute of Economics and Linguistics
38.04.01 Economics
- Studies of Economic Processes
- Economics and Organization of Production of Goods and Services.
45.04.02 Linguistics
- Interlingual and Intercultural Communication (Russian as a Foreign Language)
44.04.01 Pedagogical Education
- Mathematical Education
- Physics and Astronomy Education
- Information Technologies and Monitoring in Education
- Educational Activities in an Educational Organization
- Philological Education
- Historical Education
- Management in Education
- Language Education (English)
- Natural Science Education
- Geographical Education
- Preschool Education
44.04.02 Psychological and Pedagogical Education
- Practical Psychology of the Individual
- Social Pedagogy
44.04.03 Special (Defectologic) Education
- Psychological and Pedagogical Support of Inclusive Education
44.04.04 Vocational Training (within a particular field)
- Organizational and Methodological Support of Vocational Education
40.04.01 Jurisprudence
- Law Enforcement in Courts, Prosecutor’s Office and Other Public Authorities
- Law Enforcement in Criminal Proceeding
- Legal Support of Business
Faculty of Biology and Soil Studies
05.04.06 Ecology and Nature Management
- Environmental Expertise
06.04.01 Biology
- Microbiology and Virology
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Ichthyology and Hydrobiology
- Psychophysiology, Physiology of Regulatory Systems
06.04.02 Soil Science
Land Registry and Certification of Soils
05.04.02 Geography
- Geographical Studies of Territorial Systems
05.04.04 Hydrometeorology
- Information Technologies in Hydrometeorology
05.04.06 Ecology and Nature Management
- Environmental Management and Audit
05.04.01 Geology
- Geology and Mineral Deposits
- Geology of Oil and Gas
- Geology and Development of Oil and Gas Fields
41.04.04 Political Science
- Political Science. Political and Administrative Activity
41.04.05 International Relations
- Modern International Relations
46.04.01 History
- The History of Scientific Research on the Remains of the Material Culture of the Paleo Communities of Eurasia
- Global and Regional Historical Processes
47.04.03 Religion Studies
- Management of Sociocultural Processes in the Confessional Sphere
Faculty of Business-Communication & Computer Science
09.04.03 Прикладная информатика
- Big Data and Intelligent Systems
03.04.02 Physics
- High-Energy Astrophysics
- Medical Physics
03.04.03 Radiophysics
- Information Processes and Systems
11.04.04 Electronics and Nanoelectronics
04.04.01 Chemistry
- Fundamental Chemistry